

UPMADE® Certification is awarded on the basis that the production process is tailored to deliver quality products made from waste and leftover materials while not forgetting labour and chemical toxicity standards. The criteria for UPMADE® Certification therefore address upcyling production, chemical toxicity, and social impact. 

1. The products must be made from textile waste or leftovers. The share of waste in the base material must be 90-100%. Added components (like buttons, thread, zippers, fuse, etc.) may be new. The material used for upcycled products must be segregated and clearly marked to ensure traceability throughout the manufacturing process. There must be adequate storage conditions for materials in order to avoid deterioration of quality and safety.

2. The facilities must meet laws and standards regarding the working environment’s safety and hygiene and fair pay for workers. The production facility for upcycling products must comply with the criteria drawn up by the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) and International Labour Organisation (ILO).

3. The upcycled products’ material (i.e. waste and leftovers) and the production process must be fully documented. The production facility must have a documented quality management system (e.g. ISO9001), and the specific application of the UPMADE® system must be documented.

4. Upcycled products must not contain hazardous chemical substances restricted from the EU and US markets. For a complete list of prohibited chemicals, click here.